HB170 Cell Line (Hybridoma)

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HB170 Cell Line (Hybridoma)

Product: HB170 Cell Line (Hybridoma)

Catalog No.: 116074

Description: The antibody neutralizes the ability of lymphokine preparations to induce tumoricidal activity in murine macrophages. It neutralizes the antiviral effect of gamma interferon but does not affect the activities of murine alpha and beta interferon or rat or human gamma interferon.

Amount: ~5 x 10e6 cells per vial per ml in our freezing media (ARC Catalog# 113026).

Organism: Mouse

Tissue Type: Mouse Hybridoma

Phenotype: Non-adherent cells.

Format: Provided as a frozen vial of cells containing about 5,000,000 cells/vial/mL in our freezing media (ARC Catalog# 113026).

Growth Media: DMEM with 10% FCS or similar. We highly recommended to use ‘HyMax™ Hybridoma Fusion and Cloning Supplement’ (our Catalog# 113004) to promote growth and viability of lymphocytes.

Storage: On receipt it recommended to transfer frozen vial immediately to liquid Nitrogen for storage. Or thaw vial as per standard cell culture procedure and initiated into a cell culture in T25 flask or similar. Do not store frozen cell lines at -80◦C freezer.

Shipping: This product may be shipped on dry ice as a frozen vial. On special request, actively growing cells in T25 flasks may be shipped at room temperature (additional cost may apply).